Muck Sticky Returns!
It’s true! Muck Sticky is RETURNING to the MUSIC WORLD! Please COMMENT on this video with the SITY/STATE you want to see him perform in, and TAG your friends who will go to the show with you. SHARE this EVERYWHERE and stay tuned for regular updates…
First Song In Two Years
Here is the brand new track from Muck Sticky’s upcoming album ‘Higher Level’. Check out ‘The Best Thing’ now…
‘Dig That, Zeebo Newton’
A mother-and-son team of filmmakers are creating quite a buzz in the movie world with their debut film ‘Dig That, Zeebo Newton’, a story about a small-town misfit who gets bullied, fired from his job, threatened with eviction, then is abducted by the meanest family in town and held prisoner in their barn.
Award-winning recording artist Muck Sticky, and his mother, author Linda Kaye Lowery, co-wrote, directed, and star in this heartwarming tale that spent ten days as the number one independent preorder film on iTunes for the week of July 3rd, 2018.
Known for his unique brand of comedic music and videos, Muck stars as Zeebo, a lovable goofball who runs afoul of a family of bullies known as The Hammerheads. Based on true events, but set in a fictional town, this film has won numerous festival awards including the Silver Award for Best Feature in the NYC Indie Film Awards.
With an impressive supporting cast that includes Jerry “The King” Lawler (Man On The Moon, WWE Legend), Willie “Too Big” Hall (The Blues Brothers, Soul Men), singer-songwriter Keith Sykes (Jimmy Buffet’s Coral Reefer Band), and Oscar-winner Frayser Boy (Hustle & Flow), this movie was filmed on location in Memphis, Tennessee, and the cast features some of Memphis’ most iconic entertainment legends.
‘Dig That, Zeebo Newton’ is now available on Amazon, iTunes, GooglePlay, DVD, Blu-ray, and coming September 1st, 2018, to Comcast/Xfinity, DirecTV and Dish Network.
Watch the trailer on YouTube…
For more visit and
For interviews or press screenings, please email ZeeboNewton(at)gmail(dot)com
Howdy friends!
I know I’ve been a little absent here on the blog lately, but we’ve been working really hard behind the scenes to bring you some fun stuff.
Our movie has been doing really well in the festival stage, having had six official selections, four nominations, and won two awards…
We are still working to secure distribution, and hope to have a release date for you soon. Please stay tuned to for regular updates.
We are also in the early stages of bringing to life our 20th album. No title has been decided yet, but I promise to keep you posted as things progress. Thank you for your dedication and support. This is going to be a FUN YEAR!!!!
Much love,
Amazing news!!
We are very excited to announce that our movie ‘Dig That, Zeebo Newton’ is an OFFICIAL SELECTION of The IndieFEST Film Awards for 2018. This is our first official selection, and we want to thank all of the friends & fans who have supported this movie along the way. The journey continues! Please stay tuned…
‘Dig That, Zeebo Newton’ trailer
Making Movies
Howdy folks. I’ve been a little absent here on lately because I’ve been solely focused on bringing our movie ‘Dig That, Zeebo Newton’ to life. We’ve had a great production so far, and things are moving forward smoothly. Yesterday we had a great story featured as a headline on, and it will be in the print version of The Commercial Appeal tomorrow (Friday). Click HERE to read the full story, and keep up-to-date on the movie by visiting and
Thanks a bazillion! Much love! Keep the good vibes circulating! Stay lifted!
Happy New Year!
Wow! What a year! So much has happened. So much has changed. I feel like there has been an equal amount of awesomeness and suckassness. Many folks have left this world, while many folks remain. While we miss those who are no longer here, we have so many people we love still with us to celebrate life with. And I am truly and overwhelmingly thankful for those who are still here. We also have memories of those who have passed that will live on forever in our hearts and minds. Let their memories bring us joy and inspire us to appreciate our time even more, and improve our experiences with each other every day by choosing love over hate. I’ve got a feeling that if we take each day as it comes and proactively put forth effort to continually become the best version of ourselves that we can be, while helping those around us do the same, we will see a much better trip around the sun this go-round. Here’s to 2017! Much love and many blessings to everyone! Keep the good vibes circulating!
Exclusive Access
Facebook has been limiting the reach of my posts lately, which has caused me some great difficulty in progressing my music. So I’ve decided to start a brand new page that not only gives you direct exclusive access to brand new music, videos, and more, but it also enables me to keep doing what I love to do. Are you down to join me? Check it out at
Thanks a bazillion! Keep the good vibes circulating! Stay lifted!